Friday, January 28, 2011


I had a cold last week and it seems to have gone, but now I'm still sick.. let's hope it's only a flu... I've been throwing up and sleeping a lot! I have a really hard time eating and drinking.
Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.

J'avais un rhume la semaine passée et il semble être guérit, mais là je crois avoir le flu... espérons que ce n'est rien de plus grave. J'ai de la difficulté à garder la nourriture et les liquides; je les vomis... j'ai pratiquement passé la journée d'hier et d'aujourd'hui à dormir alors prions que je me remettes vite sur pieds.
Merci beaucoup pour vos prières

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Audrey, I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well! It is, of course, not surprising. There are lots of "bugs" your body has to get used to. But I am praying you'll soon be back to 100%. It all "comes to pass", not to stay! We'll remember you tomorrow morning (Saturday at Becks' too) Love, Grace
